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Roll of Honour of Officers of the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars

Who Died in the Second World War

Royal Glos Hussars Capbadge

Copyright and source:  British Military Badges

The Regimental Roll of Honour

of the Officers of the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars

Who Died in the Second World War

(19 officers)



ADES, Edmond

140787, Lieutenant.   2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 27th May 1942.   Buried in Knightsbridge War Cemetery, Acroma, Libya.   Aged 24.


BATHURST, Allen Algernon (Lord Apsley)

12995, Major, DSO, MC, TD.   1st RGH, Commanding Arab Legion, Malta.   Killed in aircraft accident over Malta on 17th December 1942.   Buried in Malta (Capuccini) Naval Cemetery.   Aged 47.


CROSSMAN, Geoffrey Mark

165136, Captain.   2nd RGH, attached as BALO 340th Bombardment Group, USAAF.   Killed in action in Italy on 3rd July 1944.   Commemorated on Cassino Memorial, Italy.   Aged 39.


FIRKINS, Peter Heritage

261951, Second Lieutenant.  1st RGH.  Died in UK on 10th July 1943.  Buried in Olton Franciscan Cemetery, Solihull.   Aged 22.


FRANCIS, D'Arcy Clifford

193645, Second Lieutenant.  2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 2nd January 1942.   Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged 21.


HARPER, John Neill

68817, Captain.   2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 19th November 1941.   Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged 24.


HONEYSETT, Geoffrey Tomlin

160010, Second Lieutenant.  2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 19th November 1941.   Buried in Knightsbridge War Cemetery, Acroma, Libya.   Aged 27.



298605, Lieutenant.   1st RGH.   Died in Austria on 17th May 1946.   Buried in Klagenfurt War Cemetery, Austria.   Aged 19.


LING, Maurice Graham

104171, Major.   2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 30th December 1941.   Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged 40.


MITCHELL, Arthur Edward

167613, Second Lieutenant.  2nd RGH.  Killed in action in Libya on 28th December 1941.  Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged ?


MORRIS, Kenneth Oswald

273368, Captain.   1st RGH.   Died in India on 25th August 1945.   Buried in Madras War Cemetery, Chennai, India.   Aged 22.


MUIR, Harold Michael

160002, Captain, MiD.   2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 6th June 1942.   Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged 24.


MYLNE, Harold James

6801, Major.   2nd RGH.   Died of wounds in UK on 20th February 1943.   Cremated at Oxford Crematorium.   Aged 42.


PLAYNE, George Christopher Martin

92149, Captain, MiD.   2nd RGH.   Killed at Bari, Italy whilst attempting to escape as POW of the Italians on 30th November 1941.   Buried in Bari War Cemetery, Italy.   Aged 24.


RHEINHOLD, Douglas Rudolf McDougall

89045, Major.   2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 23rd December 1941.   Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged 32.


SINNOTT, James Stockley

31009, Major, TD.   2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 24th November 1941.   Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged 35.


SLEE, John Nigel Egerton

193523, Lieutenant.   2nd RGH attached to 4th Queen's Own Hussars.   Killed in action in Italy on 6th September 1944.   Buried in Gradara War Cemetery, Italy.   Aged 23.


TAYLOR, Cortlandt

201363, Lieutenant.   1st RGH attached to Nottinghamshire Yeomanry.   Killed in action in Tunisia on 26th March 1943.   Buried in Sfax War Cemetery, Tunisia.   Aged 30.


TURNER, William Robert Ian

95215, Captain.   2nd RGH.   Killed in action in Libya on 1st September 1942.   Commemorated on Alamein Memorial, Libya.   Aged 21.


 Page last updated:  5th July 2024

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